On-Line Entry of PDIs
- Contact the Internal Competitions Secretary for your website on-line entry details.
- Prepare your photographs (see Preparation of Entries).
- Log on to the SPS website (www.southportphotographic.co.uk)
- Click on Information tab, then click on Competitions, this shows overview and rules. Then select either Competition (blue button) or Developers (black button)
- Log on with your email address.
- Click on the competition you wish to enter.
- Follow the instructions to upload your images.
- You can enter and change entries to all competitions from the beginning of the season to just before the deadline.
- The author’s name should not appear as part of the PDI title.
Number Of Entries
The maximum number of entries into competitions is as follows:
- Championships: 3 for each PDI and Print round.
- Set subjects: 3 PDIs per competition.
- Theme panel: 3 sets of 3 PDIs
- Sports: 3 PDIs
- Scapes: 3 PDIs
An individual image may be used:
- once in the Championship.
- once in the Theme Panel Competition
- once in one of the Set Subject Competitions
- once in Sports and
- once in Scapes (excluding Landscape).
An image that is so similar as to be almost identical to one already used is considered to be the same image even if the medium is changed and may be disqualified. Images considered offensive or unsuitable may also be disqualified.
After the Competition
Digital versions of award winning images will be posted on the Society’s website and Instagram.
Changes to Rules
Any changes to competition rules made during the season will be advised at the Monday meetings, highlighted on the Society web site and broadcast to members on the Facebook Members only page.